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Bradenton Truck Accident Lawyers

Representing Clients Injured in Devastating Florida Truck Accidents

Large commercial trucks are instrumental for transporting essential goods across the country, but unfortunately, they’re also often dangerous to drivers who share the road with them. Given the considerable size and weight difference between semi-trucks and passenger vehicles, it’s no surprise that trucks usually destroy smaller cars and cause life-threatening injuries when they collide. If you know this firsthand due to a wreck involving a semi-truck in Florida, you should speak with an experienced truck accident lawyer as soon as possible.

The caring lawyers at Legler, Murphy & Battaglia, LLP have the legal resources and relationships with consultants and experts necessary to represent you as an injured truck accident victim in Florida. Our experienced truck accident attorneys proudly offer clients exceptional service, whether we’re negotiating with the at-fault driver’s insurance provider or litigating a truck accident lawsuit in court. If you’re ready to consider your legal options after a Florida truck accident, call our Bradenton law firm for a free consultation.

What Are Common Causes of Truck Accidents in Florida?

Our truck accident lawyers have represented injured clients throughout Florida for years, so we have experience with cases involving numerous types of large trucks. Whether your car was struck by an 18-wheeler, construction vehicle, box van, or other large commercial truck, we have the legal knowledge and experience to handle your case.

When we begin working on your truck accident claim, our priority will be determining who caused the crash and how it happened. In our years of experience handling truck accident cases, we’ve seen what factors often lead to serious collisions. Some of the most common reasons for commercial trucks to collide with passenger vehicles are:

  • Drunk driving
  • Distracted driving
  • Speeding
  • Reckless driving
  • Improperly loaded cargo
  • Truck driver fatigue
  • Poor driver training
  • Truck equipment failure
  • Defective truck parts
  • Poor truck maintenance
  • Extreme weather conditions
  • Hazardous roads

A thorough investigation can determine which of these common causes led to your truck crash. Once we have the evidence we need to prove liability, we will add up the compensation you deserve before requesting a settlement from the at-fault party. You should note that truck companies often act quickly to have lawyers on the scene to protect their drivers and their company as a whole. It’s important for you to respond with the same tenacity by speaking with an experienced lawyer who will represent you in a truck accident claim, so contact our Bradenton law office for help with your case.

Who Is Liable for Your Bradenton Trucking Accident?

Though truck accident cases typically follow the same legal process as car accident cases, there are a few differences that can affect the outcome. In particular, claims for truck accidents are usually worth more than car accident claims because the injuries tend to be more severe.

Additionally, there’s often more than one party to hold liable for a truck accident, which can increase both the complexity of the case and the amount of the average settlement. After all, truck drivers are usually driving for work when they’re on the road – which is not the case with most car accidents – so the trucking company that employs them may be liable. In fact, the following individuals and companies could be at fault for a Bradenton truck accident:

  • The truck driver
  • The truck company that employs the driver
  • The manufacturer of the truck or its parts
  • The mechanic responsible for truck maintenance
  • The company or individual responsible for loading the cargo
  • Government agencies in charge of road design and safety
  • Other drivers involved in the truck accident

Your Bradenton truck accident lawyer will review the evidence to determine which party played a role in the collision. In some cases, more than one party could be at fault. For example, if the truck driver fell asleep at the wheel, they’ll be held liable for their decision to drive while tired. However, if the truck driver logs or communication from the trucking company show the employer pressured the driver to keep driving to meet a deadline, they could be held partially liable for the truck accident.

If the truck accident occurred due to improperly loaded cargo, the person who loaded the truck could be at fault. Similarly, if a safety feature on the truck malfunctioned and failed to prevent a serious collision, the company responsible for manufacturing or maintaining the feature may be partly liable. An experienced Bradenton truck accident lawyer will investigate the crash to determine if it was due to driver error, defective truck parts, or other issues known to cause truck accidents. Personal injury lawyers must prove negligence before they can seek compensation for injured victims, so contact our Bradenton law firm to begin your truck accident case.

What Compensation Will a Bradenton Truck Accident Attorney Help You Get?

Large truck accidents have the potential to cause serious injuries or death to motor vehicle drivers and passengers, which is why compassionate truck accident attorneys work hard to recover compensation for clients. Whether you were seriously injured or lost a loved one in a Florida truck accident, you’re likely unable to work as you recover from the physical and emotional pain of the crash. Instead of losing sleep over how you’ll pay your bills, let a skilled Bradenton truck accident lawyer get you compensated for lost wages, medical expenses, and more.

The compensation you’re entitled to will depend on the financial losses caused by the truck accident and the effects the crash has had on you and your family. Your truck accident lawyer can give you an estimate of the compensation you deserve for your truck accident case after your initial consultation, but it might help to know that most claims request the following damages from the liable party’s insurance company:

  • Medical bills for the care received after the crash
  • Future medical expenses, such as multiple surgeries, medication, and physical therapy
  • Lost wages for any time you had to take off work
  • Property damage so you can afford to repair your motor vehicle or buy a new one
  • Pain and suffering to compensate for your emotional distress, mental anguish, or loss of enjoyment of life

These are common damages for personal injury claims made by injured drivers and passengers, so your truck accident lawyer will likely request them from the at-fault driver’s insurance company. However, if you lost a loved one in a truck accident, you can recover different damages in a wrongful death case. Such cases often recover the following damages from the insurance companies that represent truck drivers, trucking companies, and other at-fault parties:

  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Loss of current and future income
  • Medical expenses
  • Loss of your loved one’s support, companionship, and guidance

Your truck accident lawyer will evaluate your personal injury or wrongful death case before telling you what damages to expect. Contact our Bradenton truck accident law firm today to schedule your consultation with our caring legal team.

Why Should You Hire Bradenton Truck Accident Lawyers?

If you were severely injured in an accident involving a commercial truck, it’s important to act fast when it comes to getting both medical and legal help. This means seeing a doctor immediately after your collision and then contacting a Florida truck accident law firm for advice on pursuing fair compensation.

At Legler, Murphy & Battaglia, LLP, we recognize the devastation motor vehicle crashes often cause, so we’re committed to making life easier for every client as they recover. When you hire our Bradenton truck accident law firm, you’ll meet with a compassionate truck accident lawyer ready to begin gathering evidence for your case.

We’ll carefully review the accident report, witness statements, and any other proof that the driver or trucking company ignored traffic laws, federal regulations, or other trucking industry standards meant to prevent trucking accidents. Once we have the evidence we need, we’ll negotiate with one or more insurance companies to get you the compensation you’re entitled to.

If you’re ready to talk to a trusted truck accident lawyer about your legal options, call our Bradenton truck accident law firm today at 941-909-3763.

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